Anholt Forces
With Arkitektskolen Aarhus Studio 2B
Project Manager/Lead Design
Overall photo by Rabea Gonnsen
Video by Johanna Berchtold and Rabea Gonnsen
Aarhus, Denmark 2017
This construction of steel and acrylic is designed and built for the Arkitektskolen Aarhus’s contribution to the European Capital of Culture 2017 event, “Architecture Moves”, which is the result of cooperation with international experts and local stakeholders. The exhibition consists of a variety of works designed and constructed by students and distributed throughout Vennelystparken, and is part of Aarhus Festival 2017 and the international architecture festival Rising Architecture Week.
Anholt Forces is the culmination of all of the knowledge accumulated from preceding research projects and focused discussions on personal experiences gained over a three-day visit to Anholt. The materialization of this knowledge expresses the studio’s understanding of the specificities of Anholt’s physical and ephemeral characteristics that give it its particular sense of place. The materials, tools, methods, and conceptual bases established have been selected in order to experiment and explore the transformative capacities of a constantly evolving process to redefine our understanding of material, structure, place, and movement.